Dec 3, 2023Liked by Leslie Sam Kim

Well, I agree, but allow me to challenge a bit.

Comparing my home country Finland to the anglosphere, the major difference is the time when industrialisation took place. The separation was maybe about 200 years or so. What did this do - it caused the thinking styles and use of vocabulary to diverge. In the anglosphere, more maybes and perhapses came to be used compared to Finland, where everything is still a bit black and white.

I happen to prefer nuance. When I travel to the anglosphere, I become more exposed to nuance. It makes my body relax and produce a sigh of relief. A good reason to travel.

Can I get same from commenting your substack - thankfully yes to some extent. But travel puts more energy into it.

Why do I still live here in Finland? The big thing here is connection to nature. You don’t really feel it in the city, but it definitely is present in the country. I think it’s that countryside straightforwardness which made the place such a good opponent against Russia back in the day. That’s why I’m here.

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The impulse to collect key chains, snow globes, and stamps in a passport has always been there. Now it’s replaced by instagram photo-proof-of-experience. I’m old enough to remember being one of a dozen people at places that now have 1,000 per hour. My recurring perspective is how much mystery and opportunities for exploration we’ve lost

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by Leslie Sam Kim

This is such an interesting thought, thanks for sharing it!

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This is one of the best arguments I've heard for having a writing practice. What better way to turn experiences into broader perspective than by reflecting on it and articulating its value.

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by Leslie Sam Kim

Great perspective on perspectives 😆🤘Reality of self improvement is knowing no matter where you are in the world-it can change not only perspective, but your sense of gratitude toward that time as there may be a lot of people not able to do what you have done. Whether it’s a good or bad time: you’re right.

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